LITERATURE Latife Tekin, Sevgili Arsız Ölüm• Georges Perec, Life: A User’s Manual• Susanna Tamaro, Follow Your Heart• Robert Musil, A Man Without Qualities Reading Corner: A Journey of Emotion and Thought Latife Tekin, Sevgili Arsız Ölüm Latife
EDEBİYAT Latife Tekin, Sevgili Arsız Ölüm Georges Perec, Yaşamı Kullanma Kılavuzu Susanna Tamaro, Yüreğinin Götürdüğü Yere Git Robert Musil, Aptallık Üzerine Okuma Köşesi: Duygu ve Düşünce Yolculuğu Latife Tekin, Sevgili Arsız Ölüm Sevgili Arsız Ölüm, Türkiye'nin
LITERATURE Elizabeth Gaskell, North and South Octavio Paz, The Labyrinth of Solitude Italo Calvino, Invisible Cities Horace Walpole, The Castle of Otranto BOOK CORNER Let's get ready for an unforgettable adventure by pushing the boundaries of imagination,
EDEBİYAT Elizabeth Gaskell, Kuzey ve Güney Octavio Paz, Yalnızlık Dolambacı Italo Calvino, Görünmez Kentler Horace Walpole, Otranto Şatosu Kitap köşesi Hayal gücünün sınırlarını zorlayarak, duygusal derinliklere inerek ve farklı dünyalara yolculuk yaparak, bu ayın kitap önerileriyle unutulmaz bir
HEYKEL SANATÇISI DİLŞAD AKÇAYÖZ İLE SÖYLEŞİ Heykeltraşlık, zamanın ve mekânın ötesinde bir dil. Kimi zaman bir taşın sertliğinde, kimi zaman metalin parlaklığında hayat bulur. Bu sanatı icra edenler ise elleriyle değil, ruhlarıyla şekillendirirler eserlerini. Biz de bu büyülü dünyanın
BLACK Maybe it was the poison the reason i felt dizzy, Maybe it was the starvation, seeing the faces blurry As I look in the sky black it was myself I see through Ephemerality of our lives what makes
THE MAGIC OF LOVE The Kiss. That famous painting tell us about love,that is, perhaps the strongest feeling in the world. So what is the story of this painting? What Gustav Klimt told us in this work? In the work
THE DEVIL INSIDE US Throughout history, the devil has mostly been portrayed in the form of a monster, with horns, in red or black colors, and in an appearance far from any kind of refinement or nobility. However, the depiction of
EDEBİYAT Alper Hasanoğlu, Hayat Bilgisi Erich Fromm, Sevme Sanatı Johann Hari, Çalınan Dikkat Paolo Cognetti, Sekiz Dağ Sözlerin Büyüsü: Okumanız Gereken Kitaplarla Zihninizi ve Ruhunuzu Besleyin Biraz zihninizi ve ruhunuzu beslemek istiyorsanız, size harika kitap önerilerim
LITERATURE Alper Hasanoğlu, Hayat Bilgisi Erich Fromm, The Art of Loving Johann Hari, Stolen Focus Paolo Cognetti, The Eight Mountains The Magic of Words: Nourish Your Mind and Soul with Must-Read Books If you are looking to
Exploring the Charms of London London, the capital of England, is a city that effortlessly blends rich history with modern innovation. With its iconic landmarks, vibrant culture, and diverse neighborhoods, London offers an unforgettable experience for travelers. Historic Landmarks: Step
HISTORY OF RED CARNATION FLOWER Theophrastus gave the flower its name by combining the words “Dios” (God) and “Anthos” (flower). The flower tells about Artemis and Orion in mythology. Artemis is the daughter of Leto, the Goddess of music, and
The inspiration for Esperando a Dalí is the surrealist artist Salvador Dalí: When we think of Dalí, we think of his surrealist paintings... The first thing that comes to the mind of most people interested in the subject is the
Esperando a Dalí’nin ilhamı, gerçeküstücü sanatçı Salvador Dalí: Dalí deyince aklımıza sürrealist tabloları... Konuyla ilgilenen çoğu kişinin de aklına ilk gelen, meşhur “Eriyen Saatler (Belleğin Azmi)” tablosu... Mayıs ayındaki doğum günüyle anacağımız Katalan ressam Salvador Dalí’nin hayatı da, aslında tablolarından
LITERATURE Murathan Mungan, Yüksek Topuklar Charlie Campbell, Scapegoat, a History of Blaming Other People Annie Ernaux, a Girl’s Story Daniel Pennac, Reads like a Novel Reading corner of this season New season, new reading list... The books, I am going
EDEBİYAT Murathan Mungan, Yüksek Topuklar Charlie Campbell, Günah Keçisi – Başkalarının Suçlarının Tarihi Annie Ernaux, Kızın Hikâyesi Daniel Pennac, Roman Gibi Okuma köşesi Bahar aylarına özel yeni bir okuma köşesi radarımızda. Türk edebiyatından Dünya edebiyatına, kütüphanelerimizde bulunması ve okumamız gereken
THE WOMAN IN ME Britney Jean Spears was born on December 2, 1981. Britney grew up in a family of 5. Her family was traditional people, and she spent her childhood attending churches in the State of Louisiana. Britney has
LIST OF FIRSTS IN TURKISH WOMEN'S HISTORY The education of women and the issue of Women's Rights, which are important achievements of the Republic, are the leading principles of the modern and prosperous society idealized by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. Accordingly,
TÜRK KADIN TARİHİNDE İLKLER LİSTESİ Cumhuriyet’in önemli kazanımlarından olan kadının eğitilmesi ve Kadın Hakları meselesi, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’ün idealize ettiği çağdaş ve gönençli toplumun ön ilkesidir. Buna göre kadın, erkek ile bir arada istediği eğitimi alabilecek ve istediği mesleği
A SHORT LIFE ON THE LADDER OF DESPAIR Sylvia Plath's reflection in Turkey, Nilgün Marmara, would have turned 66 this month if she had not ended her life by throwing herself from the fifth floor at the age of 29,
A JAPANESE SUBCULTURE: VISUAL KEI The music based subculture named Visual Kei (ヴィジュアル系; Vijuaru Kei) Pioneered in the late ‘80s by Hayashi Yoshiki from a band called X Japan, Visual Kei as a term was abbreviated down from visual shock
Vincent van Gogh's Flowers: The Emotional Journey of Colors Vincent Van Gogh's flowers are a creative expression of nature as well as reflections of emotions. In the artist's works, flowers come to life through the dance of colors, inviting the
İçimizdeki Şeytan Tarih boyunca şeytan çoğunlukla canavar şeklinde, boynuzlu, kızıl veya siyah renklerinde, her türlü incelikten ve asaletten uzak bir görünümde resmedilmiştir. Fakat Alexandre Campbell’in, insan görünümüne yakın olmasıyla ilgi toplayan Düşmüş Melek tablosundaki şeytan tasviri daha çok görkemi ve
SESSİZLİĞİN EN GÜRÜLTÜLÜ TABLOLARI Sessizlik aslında hiçlikle zıt, çok şey ifade eden ama susan bir yalnızlık... Bazen sözlerin anlatamadığını anlatan sessizlik, en çok da sanatta bulur tezahürünü. Sessizlik zamansızdır. Gabriel Marcel de bu yüzden “sözün sessizliğin bereketinden geldiğini ve ona
THE NOISIEST PAINTINGS OF SILENCE Silence... the opposite of nothingness... Silence, which sometimes expresses what words cannot, finds its manifestation most in art. Silence is timeless. That's why Gabriel Marcel says, "it is possible to say that the word comes
LITERATURE Simone de Beauvoir, the Second Sex Catherine McCormack, Women in the Picture: Women, Art and the Power of Looking David le Breton, Walking for Life: A Tranquil Way to Happiness Adam Phillips, Attention Seeking What should we read this month? The
EDEBİYAT Simone de Beauvoir, İkinci Cinsiyet Catherine McCormack, Resimdeki Kadın Kadınlar, Sanat ve Bakışın Gücü David le Breton, Hayatı Yürümek: Sakin Bir Mutluluk Sanatı Adam Phillips, İlgi Arayışı Bu ay ne okuyalım? Mart ayı, baharı müjdeleyen, yenileyici, sıcak ve huzurlu
CLIMATE ACTIVISTS ATTACK THE ARTWORKS:VANDALITY OR AWARENESS? Climate activists and their actions are on the agenda again. The reason is that they carry out their actions with a perception of action that is thought to be social. The medium that
İKLİM AKTİVİSTLERİNİN TABLOLARA SALDIRMASI:VANDALLIK MI FARKINDALIK MI? Toplumsal olduğu düşünülen bir hareket algısı ile eylemlerini gerçekleştiren iklim aktivistlerinin ifade biçimi olarak seçtikleri aracı, sanat eserleri. Her ne kadar bu eylemler iklim aktivistleri tarafından farkındalık oluşturma amacıyla yapılmış olsa da, toplumda
In the Labyrinth of Life: Tolstoy's Unique Tale from Childhood to Youth Lev Tolstoy, a literary luminary whose name is synonymous with profound storytelling, philosophical depth, and an unwavering commitment to exploring the human condition, embarked on his literary journey
Chivalry to Fantasy Throughout history, the sword has symbolized power, chivalry, and honor. Whether it's the European longsword or greatsword, or the Japanese katana, these iconic weapons have not only left their mark on the dusty pages of history but
What Does Damien Chazelle Actually Want to Say? Damien Chazelle, American director and screenwriter who won numerous awards for his first two major films, Whiplash and La La Land. And these will be the two films. I will focus on
EMILY BRONTE AND WUTHERING HEIGHTS Brontë Sisters were significant writers of the Victorian Era. Because of the gender discrimination, women were under pressure and had no place in literature. But this inhibition did not stop Bronté sisters from writing so
The Inspiring Life of Sofia Coppola Director Sofia Coppola, who inspires everyone with her art, was born on May 14, 1971. Sofia's first movie “The Virgin Suicides” is an influential one among others. The theme in this movie is death
LITERATURE Zygmunt Bauman, the Art of Life Vigdis Hjorth, Héritage et Milieu Matsuo Bashō, The Narrow Road to the Deep North Carl-Johan Vallgren, The Horrific Sufferings Of The Mind-Reading Monster Hercules Barefoot: His Wonderful Love and his Terrible Hatred Alain Corbin,